What We Do

Students who have been selected to participate in the Title I Reading Program will have daily thirty minute lessons during which they will read, write, and learn about phonics, comprehension, grammar, spelling and phonemic awareness.  We use Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) and Wilson's Fundations Program in the Title room.  Specifically, Wilson's Fundations is a multisensory and systematic phonics, spelling, and handwriting program that benefits k-3 students.  We also use the classroom focus wall linked to weekly classroom reading instruction to give extra practice on what students are working on in their classroom.

Throughout the week (2-4 times) students K-2 will bring home a "take home book", which is a copy of the book he/she has already read in Title.  Your child can read the book to you, an older sibling, or other care giver.  Please return the book to school the next day.  

Students 3-6 will rarely have books to take home.